I am an engineer, English communication coach, and tango dance instructor with expertise in many fields, including university training in science and engineering, nineteen years of engineering experience at NASA, patent law practice, and renewable energy research.
I took up tango in 1997, in order to fulfill a lifelong ambition of dancing with a partner. One day, while dancing with my partner, Eugenia, I had a surreal experience akin to traveling through time and space. After much investigation, I came to the conclusion that I had experienced something very close to a zen moment. This experience led me to explore my understanding of tango in a new way.
Based on my experience and research, I wrote a book called "Tango Zen, Walking Dance Meditation", which came out in 2005 and has been translated into five different languages. I have given my Tango Zen workshop, which is based on the ideas in the book, in 25 different countries. https://www.TangoZen.com
I also directed the documentary film “Tango Your Life", which tells of my discovery of Tango as culture, music, dance, friendship, love, and daily living in Buenos Aires. The film was released in 2012 and is featured in film festivals and tango communities worldwide. Here, you can view the film in its entirety:
Chan Park's dance of recognition with MarÃa Inés Botas at El Beso in Buenos Aires
Interview with Chan Park
"I interviewed Chan Park, an expert of tango as the inner, meditative experience it can offer.
In his long tango career, Chan has been instructing "Tango Zen" around the world to help people focus more on the meditative experience of tango, that of connection with your partner, the embrace, the music and being mindful of what you are doing in the present.
Chan lived in Buenos Aires for four years to see if his ideas corresponded with the original source of tango there. He made a documentary about his experiences while dancing there almost every night. More info in the video description on YouTube. Chan, an Americanized Korean, currently lives in Switzerland and you can contact him if you are interested in hosting his workshops."
- Lucas Antonisse
Tango Zen Workshop in Buenos Aires, May 2010
Tango Zen Workshop in Tuscany, Italy, April 2010
directed by Chan Park
In Buenos Aires, Tango is more than steps or fancy movements. Porteños, referring to the residents in Buenos Aires, describe tango as life danced on the floor. Chan Park, the author of a book titled Tango Zen: Walking Dance Meditation, has spent four years in Buenos Aires to discover that tango is about feeling, which is inspired by music and shared between partners connected through embrace while walking together in unison.
This documentary film tells his discovery of tango as culture, music, dance, friendship, love, and daily living in Buenos Aires, all of which have helped him discover his inner passion for life.
This DOCUMENTARY Film was released in 2012 and has been featured in film festivals and tango communities worldwide.
If you'd like to watch the entire film, please click below and send your email address. Then it will lead you to the film.
You can watch each episode of the film:

Tango Zen Workshop in Buenos Aires, May 2010

Tango Zen Workshop in Tuscany, Italy, April 2010