Energizing Steps: The Dynamics of Dancing in Harmony - Pasos Energizantes: La Dinámica de Bailar en Armonía
Let's continue with "Resonance: Walking as One with the Music." 3. Walk in Harmony: As you move, be acutely aware of the energy that...

"I lose my balance when I dance tango."
"I lose my balance when I dance tango." "Pierdo el equilibrio cuando bailo tango." On the dance floor, many want to improve their...

Musicality, sensibility, and sensuality
People often ask what they have to do to truly enjoy dancing tango. My answer always revolves around three essential qualities one should...

Embrace the Zen of Tango 🌸
In the enchanting embrace of tango, we discover a profound lesson: dancing is not about seeking validation from others, but an exquisite...

Practice to Dance with Heart
To me, "Dancing with heart" is a profound experience of oneness. It's about connecting with everything around me – my own being, my dance...