The Embrace of Tango: Celebrating Human Warmth
The Embrace of Tango: Celebrating Human Warmth El Abrazo del Tango: Celebrando la Calidez Humana People my age, and older than me, can...
GoFundMe campaign, "Tango for Humanity: Free Tango Zen Workshops Amid Buenos Aires' Economic Crisis."
Hello friends, I'm thrilled to announce the launch of our GoFundMe campaign, "Tango for Humanity: Free Tango Zen Workshops Amid Buenos...

Finding Harmony: From Singing to Dancing 05/21/2024
Tango Zen Journal, May 21, 2024 Finding Harmony: From Singing to Dancing Ever wonder what keeps the spark alive in dancing? This weekend,...

Da Vinci's Dance: Connecting Body, Mind, and Soul Through Movement
Da Vinci's Dance: Connecting Body, Mind, and Soul Through Movement El Baile de Da Vinci: Conectando el Cuerpo, la Mente y el Alma a...

Dancing to the Rhythm of Now - Bailando al Ritmo del Ahora
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu Embrace the fluidity of tango like a journey without a set...

Tango: Where Yin Meets Yang in Dance
In tango, Yin and Yang come to life with each move. The dance shows the balance of opposites: the strong, leading Yang energy and the...

Finding Music in the Stillness -Encontrando Música en el Silencio
"When I am silent, I fall into that place where everything is music." -Rumi Silence is often misunderstood as emptiness, but in reality,...

Letting go - Dejarse ir
Zen teaches us to open our minds, seeing things as they are, and to let thoughts and feelings come and go without engaging them. For...

My Reflections on the Milongueros 05/07/2024
Tango Zen Journal, May 7, 2024 My Reflections on the Milongueros As I continue to explore the world of tango, I'm often asked, “How can I...

Discover Your Unique Dance Journey - Descubre tu Propio Viaje de Baile
People don't learn to dance solely through instruction from others; they learn to dance by understanding themselves. Dancing is a...

Tango: A dialogue of bodies and hearts. - Tango: Un diálogo de cuerpos y corazones.
Every movement in Tango is a word, every sequence a sentence. It's a dance where we talk with our steps and listen with our hearts. Cada...
Tango is...like love. El tango es…como el amor.-Carlos Gavito
The tango is difficult to describe - like love. The dancers try to paint on the floor what the music describes for them. It's more than a...

Intention leads, energy flows, body follows. - La intención guía, la energía fluye, el cuerpo sigue.
Discover the transformative magic of dancing with intention. When we dance, it's not just about the steps or the music—it's about the...

Tango Argentino: ultimate world music.
If you've ever felt that tango musicality workshops focus too much on technique and not enough on the soul-stirring aspects of the music,...

Intention Energizes Connection - La Intención Energiza la Conexión
Tango Zen Principle 5: Our intention is the energy that brings the connection to life. In the heart of Tango, it's not just our steps...

Steps to a Soulful Dance - Pasos para un Baile con Alma
Dancing is not just a series of steps to music; it's an expressive journey where two souls meet and move in harmony. To elevate your...

Love and Romance in Milongas 04/17/2024
Tango Zen Journal, April 17, 2024 Love and Romance in Milongas Ever wondered about the love and romance that permeate the air when...

Harmony in Motion: Uniting Tradition and Hearts 04/09/2024
Tango Zen Journal, April 9, 2024 Harmony in Motion: Uniting Tradition and Hearts Armonía en Movimiento: Uniendo Tradición y Corazones...

From Inner Universe to Outer Harmony - Del universo interior a la armonía exterior
Tango Zen Principle 3 highlights a profound connection: Our inner universe is the gateway to the external universe. In the embrace of...
Dance with the Universe - Baila con el Universo
Dance with the Universe Tango Zen Principle 2. Meditation connects us to the vast, unseen energy of the universe, often referred to as...